How to Use Gmail Like A Pro. Tricks You Should Know

Every one of us use Gmail on daily basis but many awesome features in Gmail are nicely tucked inside so you may not not them. Here are some of tricks to use Gmail like a Pro. You may already know some of these, and some will be new.

Default Reply All

Having to resend an email is the worst. If you’re frequently part of mass emails, consider making “reply all” default. In Settings under the General tab, head to “Reply Behavior” and switch to “Reply All.”

Select Multiple Messages

In Inbox view, holding down the Shift key while selecting messages will check multiple email threads at once.

Narrow Your Search

Typing in any of these operators will get you a more refined search.
  • To find messages matching keyword A or keyword B, type “OR” in all caps, for example: from:amy OR from:david.
  • Find specific types of files with “filename:” for example: filename:jpg.
  • Search messages within a certain period with “after:” and “before:” for example: after:2014/04/30 before:2014/05/06.
  • More here!

Mass Unsubscribe

Want to get rid of those newsletters for good? There’s an “unsubscribe” button next to the sender’s address in promotional emails. It’s a great one-click solution for decluttering your inbox! Another tip for the newsletters that don’t get the “unsubscribe” button: type “unsubscribe” into the search box, and you’ll probably find every deal, discount, and event email notification you’ve ever signed up for. You can also select all (but make sure to click “select all conversations that match this search” too) to banish historic newsletters from your inbox for good. is a plug-in that can clean up your junk mail with just one click.

Is Someone Else Reading My Email?

If you’ve got a creeping suspicion that someone else is eyeing your inbox, check your “last account activity.” In inbox view, scroll all the way down, and in the bottom right corner in tiny text, you’ll see “Last account activity: X minutes ago.” Click “Details,” and Gmail will reveal exactly when each IP address accessed your account, plus what type of device they were using.
                                       Read Gmail Offline
The most underrated feature in all of Gmail? Gmail  Offline. It’s a Chrome extension that allows you to read, respond to, search, and archive emails without an Internet connection.
Click on the gear icon (top right) > Settings, then click the Gmail Offline tab. You’ll need to let the extension sync and download emails for a little while before you get offline. And don’t worry — this extension doesn’t take up any space on your hard drive.

Essential Keyboard Shortcuts

shortcuts in GmailFirst things first: if you don’t have keyboard shortcuts enabled, head to Settings, and under the General tab, turn keyboard shortcuts to “on.” Once you have these enabled, just type one letter or a combination of letters to simplify everyday tasks. The ones you need to know are:
  • j to go to older messages
  • k to go to newer messages
  • e to archive
  • shift + # to trash
  • / to type in the search bar
  • a to reply all
  • r to reply individually

Show Unread Messages in Tabs

Unread messages in GmailHave no fewer than five tabs open at all times? You are a certified tab fiend. A Google Labs extension called “Unread message icon” shows you how many unread emails are in your inbox. It updates automatically so you don’t have to keep opening your inbox — just glance quickly at the tab! Go to Settings > Labs tab > Enable “Unread message icon.”

Schedule Email to Send Later

Have an email you’re ready to write now but not ready to have the recipient read? Download the Boomerang Gmail plug-in to schedule when an email should be sent. Choose a specific time to send the message like 8:45 a.m. when you know the recipient is just sitting down to email, or a more general time like “next Tuesday.” Boomerang will also push read messages back up to the top of your inbox at whatever date and time you schedule.
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